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What are the features of DataScope?

In DataScope we have different functionalities that allow the collection of information to be a simpler and simpler process.

Here are the main features:

 Working offline 

We know that when collecting information in the field, internet connection is not always available. That is why our forms can work while you do not have internet, and then synchronize all the information when you have connection again. 



Our forms allow you to record the location of the place where the form was completed. With this you can monitor the activities of the work team and be sure that the information comes from the correct location. 


Custom Forms 

The Form Builder allows you to create robust forms that can record more and better information than paper forms. Easily add checklists, photos, barcode scanning, databases and more to your forms.  


User and Permission Management 

Easily manage your team's users. Each one can be configured with different levels of permissions to ensure the proper functioning of the platform and data security. 


Email Notifications 

Automatically notify the desired emails every time a form is answered. In this way, people interested in the process can be notified in real time of the company's operations. 


Assign tasks to the work team 

With our Task Assignment tool you can quickly plan the activities of the work team. You can easily monitor the fulfillment of tasks and the work team can know at all times which activities are assigned and the optimal route to complete their task. 


Customized Reports 

Create your PDF reports tailored to your needs. This way, every time you answer a DataScope form, a document with the most appropriate structure and design for your task will be generated.  


List Management 

Easily manage your customer databases or customized lists to simplify the way forms are answered. This way users can choose the answer and avoid having to type it (and all the errors that this may entail). 



We know that data is important to our clients and even more so when it is used for analysis. That's why DataScope can be integrated with various software such as: ERP, CRM, Databases, Google Tools, Microsoft Tools and more than 1,500 others.  


Automatic and Real-Time Charting 

We have a Charting Module that automatically graphs the data collected with DataScope. In case you need customized charts, ask for our custom charts. 


Platform Customization 

DataScope is customizable. Place your organization's information and logos to customize the application, PDFs and notification emails.

Platform Overview >What are the features of DataScope?