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User Permissions

To set permissions you must go to Settings > Users and then press the edit icon (as shown below):

This will display the fields for editing user information and the permissions you can grant or deny to each user. Also, you will be able to limit the Forms and Locations that each user will have access to. 

The permissions available for configuration are shown below:


Permissions (Normal) 

  • List Forms: Allow or restrict users to view the "Team Responses" tab, i.e. other users' responses and access the Web Platform (to view responses and graphs).
  • Chat: Allow the mobile user to communicate with a Web User. 
  • Make Forms: Will allow or limit users to answer forms without the need for them to be assigned. 
  • View Assigned Forms: Will allow or restrict users to view forms assigned to their account. 

Permissions (Advanced) 

  • Change Form Status: Will allow or restrict users to set a status for each form.
  • Create Custom Lists: Will allow or restrict users to add or remove lists of locations and/or simple lists, and modify forms in the Mobile Form Builder.
  • Modify Form Responses: Will allow or restrict users to modify any response of a form already submitted. 

Permissions (Administration) 

  • Show and Create New Users: Will allow or limit users to add or remove users to the account. (This permission will also allow granting Support Access to the DataScope team). 
  • Export Data: Will allow or limit users to export data in Excel format. Advanced Settings: 


Permissions to Places: The Places permission allows the user to view only forms that have been completed by choosing that place. For the filter to apply, the forms must have a "Data List Selection" question with "Contact List" as the source of the data list. If this field is kept empty, the user will have no restrictions and will be able to view all submitted forms, regardless of the location selected on the form. 

Permissions to forms: Allows you to select the forms that the user will be able to view and respond to from among the existing forms in your account. If this field is left empty, the user will have no restrictions and will be able to access all forms in the account. 


You have changed a user's logins but he still cannot see them in the application? 

The user must log out and log back into the application to update their permissions.


Users and Permissions >User Permissions